
Photo on 13-01-04 at 11.38 AM

Twitter: @WetzVP



My name is Michael Wetzel and I am the eCoordinator for the Toronto Catholic District School Board. That is my job actually not what I am. I hope I am so much more than just that. Correction: I strive to be more but often fall short.

Okay so here is a list of what I am:

1. A father (three kids – Caleb 9, Hannah 7, Cooper 5)

2. A Husband (undeservingly married to Sue for near fifteen years at the moment of writing this. She is an educator as well but of the elementary variety.

3. A Catholic: This has been engrained in me since I was a child and I never really felt like I had a choice but I have got a lot more honest about it since I had kids and I am pretty good with it now. Still lots of stuff that I need to wrap my head around but that is exactly what I like; the problem. I guess that is why I was never a fan of anyone who was too “zealous” or sure of their faith. Where is the fun or intellectual work when you just accept everything!?!

4. A Teacher: I am not in the classroom anymore and am in the ranks of administration but I will always see myself as a teacher first. I loved my teaching career but I heard a great comment when I was deliberating about possibly becoming an administrator. “A calling is when you love what you are doing, but you are still drawn to do something else.” That sums it up for me.

5. A Change agent: I like to see change and I like to challenge the status quo. I was not always like this mind you. In fact I was a great fan of the status quo, and why not? After all I am white, male and middle class. The status quo has been tailor made to work out for me. I guess it was when I started teaching and saw that it does not work so well for everyone and when I taught at Mary Ward (crazy amazing school!!!), everything changed (but I will have a whole section dedicated to that)

More to come…

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